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Custom Elemental Instance 2.0


1 Screenshot

About This File


*Cooldown is 1 day can be changed via /db/import/quest_db.yml
*Gepard supported ( .gepard = false; ) set it to true to use it
*In every floor the monster hp, atkmin, atkmax, matkmax, def and mdef will multiple to 5*floor level
*After you finish floor 1 to 25. There's a npc that will ask you to continue or finish the instance.
*If you choose finish instance, you can get a small reward. But if you choose to continue you will be warp in the
Elemental map where you will face the 3 super strong boss.
*But before you fight the boss. You need to do the ritual first.
*2.0 Update: trap added in boss


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